Practice Questions

Multiple choice, tick-a-box, circle your answer, one word (e.g. give one feature/name an instrument/name a composer or artist etc) or multiple point answers (e.g. give three features/name two instruments/compare the tempo of both etc). General knowledge questions make up the bulk of the listening paper and can be considered the easiest type of question in the paper

Write an extended paragraph - one A4 page - describing an extract of music. 8-9 marks in total. The quality of students' responses are also assessed.

Listening to two extracts and answering questions comparing the two extracts, both similarities and differences. Worth anywhere between 12-16 marks.

Answering questions related to a printed score sheet, including filling in missing notes in one or two bars of music, which itself is a sub-question worth 6 to 8 marks. Worth 12-16 marks, occasionally more.