Wrotham School Music 

IT'S BACK! Summer Concert '24

Tuesday 16th July

The date has been set so you can put it in your diary. More details can be found HERE

Check out some of our exciting promotional material showing behind the scenes rehearsals and content 

This media gives you an insight into the hard work that goes into our preparation. 


Year 11 GCSE Exam 2024 Prep - Exam Date TBA

Click HERE to be taken to the preparing for the listening exam page. This page has EVERYTHING you will need to prepare for your listening exam, including advice on how to use the page.

Year 11 GCSE Coursework Hand-in by 29th March 2024

Parents Evening Action Plans

You were all given action plans for parents evening. In addition, these have been updated and will be sent to you electronically (or have been sent yo you already). The back page has your actions which you need to pay attention to.

Coursework Exemplar Pages

The examplar (top examples of coursework submissions) page has been updated. All exemplar material can be found HERE. Use these examples to inform your own coursework.

Year 10 & 11 Theory Preparation and Revision Work

All the material you need is literally available on this website. From quick vocabulary tests, to textbooks, YouTube resources and also a full array of past papers and questions

Click HERE

Isolating and working from home?

Here's how to access school email and Teams - https://youtu.be/r8jiHM5jRvU 

For accessing Teams or Word or any other Microsoft Office application, instead of selecting Outlook you simply select the application on the left once logged in.

The restrictions put in place during the Covid-19 timetable had and still sometimes do limit the music department being able to put on performances of any kind. However, we took to filming all major performances instead. Sadly some of these are without an audience but safety is paramount. 

Some performances are filmed using a camera extension handheld tripod so as to maintain distance from students. Please note that some students in the performances were exempt from wearing masks for medical reasons.

The performances via the link below are from a mixture of year groups and topics.

Click HERE to see some of the performances recorded

We're very proud of the depth and diversity of our music curriculum at Wrotham School. We guarantee that at KS3 every student will get the opportunity to perform, compose and appraise music in contexts as wide ranging as keyboard, ukulele, and singing through to group composition, popular music performance, samba drumming and North Indian classical raga, and so much more. We have at least five major music performances scheduled in the year as well as a lunchtime concert once every term. There's so much more to music at Wrotham and much of that content can be explored via this website. 

However, please click HERE for a comprehensive overview of the music curriculum at Wrotham School

Year 11 Virtual Intervention Sessions

Click the link above or HERE

Notebloc scanning written work.mp4

Sending in written work 

Use a scanning app

Watch the video to the left to see how to use Notebloc or CamScanner to send your written work in - please do NOT send photos!

Year 7 and 8 - Not at school and at home?

Navigate the menu on this website to see if music content for your current topic is online. 

Year 8 current topic is Notation - Canon - click HERE for the work online

Year 7 current topic is Stave Notation - click HERE for the work

If it's not yet available or you don't have any way of doing the topic at home then simply click this link to be taken to a folder with some written music work you can do 

Be sure to read the instructions FIRST once you do click on the link. Link is also below

 At home and not at school?

Click the drop down menus below for information for your year group

Year 11

Year 10

Year 9