A Swingin' Safari

Don't have a piano or guitar? Check out these virtual alternatives

Musicca is a virtual music learning site. Click on tools to find a virtual piano, virtual guitar, virtual bass metronome and much more

Virtual Drumming is a site that contains virtual drum kits you can play with your keyboard and more learning content for drummers

A Virtual Piano that can be played with your keyboard. If you also have a MIDI compatible keyboard you can plug this into your computer and control the virtual piano with your MIDI keyboard

Touchscreen Phone Piano Apps

There are lots of FREE piano apps for your phone. Here are two of the best:

Need to record your performance and send it to your teacher?

Use one the of apps below on your phone to record the audio only and you can share it with your teacher via their email address

In term 5 year 8 learn an ensemble piece. Ensemble means 'together' and in music this translates to 'group'. Just like other group pieces that students in Key Stage 3 have covered, such as '12 Bar Blues', 'South African Township jazz' and 'Budapest', there are several parts for students to learn (they pick one part only):

Click on the links above to be taken to the resources for learning each part

Here is the original piece for students to listen to. We are not playing in the original key of Eb but instead in the key of G major

Instruction Video

Please watch the video below which explains how you should approach this task

Swingin Safari Instructions.mp4
A Swingin Safari.mp3

Backing Track

Here is the backing track for you to play along with. You can also download the track also

A Swingin Safari 109.mp3

Slower Backing Track

The one above too fast? No worries, try using this slower one until you think you can play faster with the full speed version above