

Think of your rudiments as the 'alphabet' of drumming. As you know, you cannot spell without knowing your alphabet. Sure you might be taught certain words by others but you will not really understand why they sound like they do, what they mean and importantly how to construct them yourself.

This is the same with drumming. Without rudiments you might be able to learn how to roll for one particular piece so it sounds the same as the original but you won't know 'how' you did it, how to apply it to other pieces and you certainly will not be able to teach others. Rudiments are to drummers what scales are to guitarists, pianists, vocalists and many other instrumentalists.

Click below for a series of important and reliable sites and resources on what rudiments are, how you learn them and how you apply them.

What are rudiments?

Drumeo - the premier drum resource website

The real rudiments of drumming short course: https://www.drumeo.com/beat/the-real-drum-rudiments/

National Association of Rudimental Drummers N.A.R.D

26 essential N.A.R.D rudiments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xK2seFUuyA